

blah, blah, blah...


State Fair Fun!

Call for entries!  Participate in my Texas State Fair photo scavenger hunt!  It's just for fun and the goal, as with any photographic endeavor, is to capture amazing photographs... and the winner gets $100 print credit!

these are the two rules to submit
  1. all photos must be from the 2010 texas state fair.
  2. you can only submit one photo per category. (and no, you can't submit the same photo in multiple categories.)
here are three guidelines to keep in mind
  1. it is never a good idea to break the law in order to capture a photograph, i.e. trespassing.
  2. in what is considered a public space, such as an event like the state fair, everyone is fair game for being photographed. this does not mean you can't ask permission of a person, or even ask people to pose. no matter what, you need to respect the privacy of any adult who doesn't want you to photograph her/his children.
  3. please shoot all photographs at the highest quality setting that your camera will allow and keep the original files. it would be a shame to have fantastic photos that can't actually be printed larger than a postage stamp because you had your camera settings on the lowest possible quality. 
how to enter submissions
  1. upload your photos to facebook.
  2. use the photo's caption to list the category in which you are entering that photo. you can also title your photo, but the category needs to be clear.
  3. tag me in the photo. if we are not facebook friends,  friend request me (Leslie Katz)
  4. need your submissions no later than Oct. 9th
32 categories
  1. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (rides)
  2. gee your hair smells terrific (hairstyles)
  3. try again (fair games)
  4. a week's worth of calories (high calorie food)
  5. longhorns (TX fans)
  6. too fancy for the fair (people wearing fancy clothes)
  7. boomer sooner (OU fans)
  8. is there a problem occifer? (drunk people)
  9. as seen from above
  10. as seen from below
  11. i need this like i need another hole in my head (people buy these?)
  12. some pig (animals being judged)
  13. does this smell bad to you?
  14. i'm pretty sure that's an electrical hazard 
  15. teeth optional
  16. clothing optional
  17. manners optional
  18. patriotism at it's most unsettling
  19. you light up my life (public displays of affection)
  20. are you sure we should be doing this (witnessing illegal activity)
  21. and your little dog too (animals, pets)
  22. my eyes are up here (cleavage) 
  23. are you gonna pick that up? (litter)
  24. flash dance (dancing)
  25. it's so fluffy!!! (people with prizes)
  26. ooooh, shiny (anything shiny)
  27. got ink? (tattoos)
  28. the hills are alive with the sound of music (musical performance)
  29. mmm. pie. (any food competing for prizes)
  30. it's oh so quiet... shhh...(large spaces with no people)
  31. good to know (friends you run into at the fair that you didnt know would be there)
  32. wild card (anything that doesn't fit into one of these categories)

within each category, one photo will be selected as the best of. 

good luck. i can't wait to see your photos!

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