

blah, blah, blah...


I'm Back!

I know I'm horrible.  A bad, bad blogger.  I left and didn't say goodbye, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year,  see ya...nothing. 

Well, just prior to the holiday I had been burning the candle at both ends for weeks, then the flames met in the middle, flared and died out.   I had nothing left.  I made some pretty amateur mistakes in scheduling and order cut-offs...I suppose partly because of the whole economy scare we've had, I didn't want to turn anyone away.  

Anyway, I have had a little break now and am beginning to feel refreshed.  I hope all of you are too.  ;)

I am currently working on editing a few sessions from just before Christmas and getting pre-holiday loose ends tied up.  (if you're a client and need a status update, please email and she'll fill you in.)

In the spirit of new beginnings I thought I'd share some personal highlights of 2008 and soon... resolutions for 2009.

'08 Highlights-
1. Celebrating my 35th birthday in New Orleans with friends.
2. Seeing George Micheal in concert.
3. My daughter (Taylor) getting accepted into the Dallas Arts Magnet HS.
4. Taking a two week summer vacation to NYC with Taylor.
5. Seeing The Little Mermaid on Broadway.
6. Seeing Spring Awakening on Broadway and meeting the cast.
7. Reading the 7th Harry Potter book.
8. Moving from Plano to Dallas.  ;)
9. Buying a new home that I love.
10. Meeting new friends and my awesome new neighbors.
11. Experiencing Urban Photography grow.
12. Shaking hands with Bill Clinton.
13. Central Market's Green Chile Festival.
14. Watching Taylor play the violin at the Meyerson Symphony Center.
15. Seeing the musical The Lion King.
16. The purchase of Rock Band.
17. Experiencing Taylor growing into a ethically beautiful young lady.
18. Adopting the best dog in the whole world...sweet, sweet Roxxy.
19. Seeing Madonna in concert.

and the highlight of the '08 Highlight list.....

20. Discovery of Crack Bars.  Like a drug, but not THE drug (does crack come in bar form? anyone?).  Actually it is the nickname given to the most heavenly dessert that has ever passed over my lips.  The ingredients consist of cream cheese, yellow cake batter, lots of butter and sugar...mmmmmmmmmm.  I don't know the real name and I don't care.  I would like to personally thank Michal Tincup for introducing me to this divinity and for the extra 5 lbs. I needed to keep me warm this winter.  :)

If anyone would like to share their own personal high points of the year, I'd love to hear them!
Happy New Year!


  1. Wow, I don't know if too many people can top those highlight but, I will sure try:):

    1. 2 weeks in Thailand with two of my favorite ladies - my mom and sister. Beautiful beaches, incredible food, amazing shopping, and, did i mention a massage a day?:)

    2. foot surgery, immediately bad, but ultimately good - beware of the high heel - it will get you.

    3. New Orleans w/ Les on her b-day ...

    4. Oklahoma State football not sucking and being in the top 20 all season!

    5. Madonna concert - enough said.

    6. George Michael - phenomenal. (If only Duran Duran would have come I could have made my 80s tri-fecta!)

    7. I've joined the FWF club (you figure it out:))

    8. Urban Photography is rocking!

    9. i got a video camera for Christmas so look out;)

    10. Happy and healthy and can't wait to see what 2009 has to bring!

  2. I echo Shannon (her mom:)) Thailand was unbelievable! Everything was more than I could have ever imagined - the only thing I would take back was the 21 hour plane ride from hell and the morning I walked on the beach and thought I took amazing pictures of a rainbow but realized later i had no memory card - oops! but, the massage a day and being with my girls, more than made up for it:)

    2. New York at Christmas with my bestest girlfriends - window decs, one-of-a-kind shopping and the beautiful gift of a snowfall the night we left.

    3. 40 pounds gone - 1,000 times happier!

  3. HMMM...I think the highlight of 2008 was making it to 2009!

    1.I helped both of my kids with garage sales and paint, paint, paint, oh and paint!
    Now they are both settled and we can relax.
    2.My grandaughter is blooming into a beautiful young lady.
    3.We were blessed to have our grandson with us for a week.
    4.I am very happy and content at this season of my life.
    5.Really ... the highlight is I have my health and my family.
    SO really...2008 wasn't so bad.

  4. Hey Leslie,
    While I was looking at your blog and your pic's... I started thinking about a photo shot we had when I was 14 (that was ??? years ago). My mother made me wear what I thought was a horrible green dress. I was soooo upset! But now many years later when we look at those pic's we all have a great laugh. Funny, that dress doesn't look so bad now that I see it with more mature eyes :). I just thought I would share that fun memory with you. Pictures are important and I thank you for what you do.
