

blah, blah, blah...



My name is: Courtney D.

I go to school at: Flower Mound HS

My graduation date is: June 4th

My favorite websites are: Google

The magazine(s) I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Cosmopolitan & People

The last thing I ate was: a bagel

My dream job is: whatever kind that I can wake up wanting to go to

My biggest accomplishment is: joining the Airforce National Guard

My current favorite band or song? John Mayer

The person I would most like to meet is: Marilyn Monroe

My favorite items in my closet are?: changes too much

In 10 years I see myself: having a career that I like

If I were on a deserted island the two things I would have to have with me are: My laptop ...with internet :) and chapstick

My plans after graduation are: Go to Texas State University

I love Urban Photography because (yes, shameless hype): the variety of shots



My name is: Haley W.

I go to school at: Richardson High School

My graduation date is: June 7th 2009

My favorite websites are: facebook & youtube

The magazine(s) I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Seventeen & People

The last thing I ate was: a chicken wrap

My dream job is: A professional dancer

My biggest accomplishment is: Getting into my dream school

My current favorite band or song? Gavin DeGraw AKA my future husband

The person I would most like to meet is: (ha ha)Gavin DeGraw

My favorite items in my closet are?: My colorful sneakers

My favorite word is: poop ha ha :)

In 10 years I see myself: in a steady career and engaged

If I were on a deserted island the two things I would have to have with me are: lip gloss and friend/boyfriend

My plans after graduation are: Go to Colorado State University and have fun!

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is: dance...and take naps

I love Urban Photography because (yes, shameless hype): they're super awesome and anything but cheesy!



My name is: Camille C.

I go to school at: Dallas Christian

My graduation date is: May 17

My favorite websites are: Facebook, itunes, youtube

The magazine(s)I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: People magazine and whatever else catches my eye

The last thing I ate was: a blueberry muffin

My dream job is: Pediatric Nurse

My biggest accomplishment is: NHS society, mission work. I view them equally important.

My current favorite band or song? Are you kidding? Too many to list! I love music.

The person I would most like to meet is: hmmmm... get back to you on that one...

My favorite items in my closet are?: SHOES! and purses!

In 10 years I see myself: Hopefully married and would also like to travel

If I were on a deserted island the two things I would have to have with me are: a good friend or family and a comfortable bed

My plans after graduation are: Attend Harding University : nursing degree

I love Urban PHotography because (yes, shameless hype): Leslie is so good at what she does. She is so calm and easy going and her pictures are SO COOL! I love her pics! 
(Thanks girl! :)

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My name is: Kara D.

I go to school at: Central High

My graduation date is: June 6th, 2009

My favorite websites are: Facebook, google

The magazine(s)I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: People and Cosmo!

The last thing I ate was: pancakes :)

My dream job is: broadcast journalist

My biggest accomplishment is: getting into every college I applied to (with scholarships)

My current favorite band or song? Stellar-Incubus

The person I would most like to meet is: Jesus Christ

My favorite items in my closet are?: my collection of jeans

In 10 years I see myself: married with my dream job

If I were on a deserted island the two things I would have to have with me are: my bible and a million other novels

My plans after graduation are: to go to college in California

My favorite thin to do when I'm not at school:  dance or laugh with friends

I love Urban Photography because (yes, shameless hype): they're so unique! And the pictures are so beautiful..



My name is:  Ashley H.

I go to school at: Faith Christian School

My graduation date is: May 22, 2009

My favorite website(s) are: Facebook!

The magazines I always have to stop & look at in the grocery store are: People and Vogue

The last thing I ate was: stew

My dream job is: becoming a lawyer

My biggest accomplishment: getting through high school!

My current favorite band or song is: Then - Brad Paisley

The person I would most like to meet is: George Clooney

My favorite things in my closet are: my purses!

My favorite word is: "ligit"

In 10 years I see myself: being a lawyer, hopefully married

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are: My boyfriend and cell phone

My plans after graduation are: go to college

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is: chill w/boyfriend

I love Urban Photography because: the pics are unusual


My name is::  Heather B.

I go to school at:: Faith Christian

My graduation date is:: May 22 ,2009

My favorite website(s) are::

The magazines I always have to stop & look at in the grocery store are:: W,
Vogue, Marie Claire

The last thing I ate was:: subway sandwich

My dream job is:: Interior designer

My biggest accomplishment so far:: getting though junior year

My current favorite band or song is:: Love Story - Taylor Swift

The person I would most like to meet is:: Jacqueline Kennedy

My favorite things in my closet are:: Black dress, pearls, skinny jeans

In 10 years I see myself:: being an interior designer

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are:: My best friend and a TV

My plans after graduation are:: College

My favorite thong to do when I'm not at school is:: Hang out with my friends

I Love Urban Photography because(yes, shameless hype!):: The photos are so original!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

My name is :: Gabi S.

I go to school at: Bishop Lynch

My graduation date is: May 17,2009

My favorite website(s) are: Facebook,, youtube,

The magazines I always have to stop & look at in the grocery store are: Seventeen & Rolling Stone

The last thing I ate was: pizza

My dream job is: to become a writer and work for a major magazine or be a biggie.

My biggest accomplishment: becoming executive editor of BL's Literary magazine.

My current favorite band or song is: Dashboard confessional and Black Bird by the Beatles

The person I would most like to meet is: Dustin Hoffman

My favorite things in my closet are: my shirts, jeans, hoodies and shoes
My favorite word is: tantalizing

In 10 years I see myself: pursuing what I love

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are:  friends and ipod w/speakers

My plans after graduation are: go to college and live the life.

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is: listen to music, write and hang out with those who are important to me.

I love Urban Photography because: It's dank!


Senior Updates!

Hey, just wanted to take a minute to talk to my fabulous seniors! 

Urban Photography *Seniors* has been getting tons of phone calls and email requests with questions regarding everyone's pictures.  We have been swamped with shoots during the days and editing at night, so if we have not returned your call in the last day or so.. I apologize.  We do not have shoots booked for tomorrow so someone will be available via phone from 10am-4pm to answer any questions you may have... but hopefully I can answer most of them now...

I know we are racing toward the end of the school year here and everyone is getting a little anxious.  We have been able to keep on schedule (with the exception of me getting a little behind on the blogging!) so I'll start off with saying everything is OK!  I promise.  I know some clients have specific deadlines for their pictures and we want to do everything possible to make sure you have what you need by your deadline.  So if you have a deadline coming up and you are concerned about getting the photos you need for it.. please email us at with your seniors name, your deadline, and exactly what you need.  And please be honest with us.  Last year we had a few incidents of people telling us they needed a rush for something, only because they were impatient about seeing their photos.  This isn't fair to others, so use the honor system please.  :)

Now to answer the most frequently asked question... "When will my pictures be ready?"  Obviously that answer is different for everyone, or I should say, the actual date is different for everyone.  I know we briefly discuss this subject at the end of everyone's session, but by that time everyone is tired and just wants to go home and doesn't want to listen to me talk anymore... haha!  So here's the answer (which you can also find in your contract)... photo's are edited and ready to view in 2-3 weeks.  We've been telling clients closer to 3 weeks because of the volume of sessions we have right now.  We've also said that I would have a few preview shots up on the blog a week so after your session (again, I know I am behind here but I promise I'm going as fast as I can!).  We have had ONE day off in the last 3 weeks and that was Easter.  Justa workin' workin' workin' !!

So I hope this helps clarify some things and PLEASE contact us with any other questions or concerns you may have.

- leslie

PS> I will be posting more pics on the blog tonite so look for super cool seniors,  Heather & Gabi.  We have lots of "slackers" (ie. the seniors who took advantage of our AWESOME Slacker Sale) so I am being forced to combine the slacker blogs together.  NOT because they don't deserve a blog of their very own, but we have so many, it would take me blogging photos every single day for the next two weeks... and I think they'd rather have me working on getting their pictures edited.  :)

PSS> if you have questions about prints you have ordered... please email Shannon at for an update.  Thanks!



My name is:: Kristen K.
I go to school at:: Ennis High School

My graduation date is:: June 5,2009

My favorite websites are::
Myspace & Facebook

The magazines I always have to stop & look at in the grocery store are:: Seventeen & Cosmo

 The last thing I ate was:: a blueberry waffle

My dream job is:: to perform on Broadway

My biggest accomplishment is:: getting into

My current favorite band or song is:: Use Somebody - Kings of Leon

The person I would most like to meet is:: George Bush

My favorite things in my closet are:: my shoes and my dresses!

In 10 years I see myself:: w/a successful career, married and possibly w/one or two children

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are:: the twilight series & my toothbrush

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is:: spend time with my family & friends

My favorite word is:: precious

I love Urban Photography because:: the pictures are unique!



My name is:: Elisha S.

I go to school at:: Trinity Christian School (Cedar Hill)

My graduation date is:: May 30

My favorite website(s) are::
Myspace & Facebook

The magazines
I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are:: Cosmo girl & Seventeen

The last thing I ate was:: Brisket sandwich

My dream job is:: Magazine editor

My biggest accomplishment so far:: Yearbook editor

My current favorite band or song is:: The Climb -
Miley Cyrus

My favorite things in my closet are:: shoes

My favorite word/phase is:: look pretty, play dirty

In 10 years I see myself:: Owning a party/wedding planning business and having a family.

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are:: a cell phone with service and
gps, my best friend.

My plans after graduation are:: to go to Texas Tech.

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is:: hang with my friends

I love Urban Photography because(yes, shameless hype!):: Of the creativity and the AWESOME pictures I saw on the site.



My name is:: Devin S.

I go to school at:: Springtown High

My graduation date was:: June 2009

My favorite website is:: myspace

The last thing I ate was:: taco bell

My current favorite band or song is:: Play Radio Play! or Blink 182

The person I would most like to meet:: Tom Delong

In 10 years I see myself:: being a brain surgeon

 If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are::  ipod and headbands

My plans after graduation are::  college



My name is:: Olivia P.

I go to school at:: Marcus High

My graduation date was:: January 2009

My favorite website is:: Facebook ... 
Urban Photography's blog (love this girl!)...

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are:: wedding magazines!  and the ones with food on them

The last thing I ate was:: pretzels and peanut butter

My dream job is:: choreographer for my own dance company

My biggest accomplishment is:: finishing HS with pretty good grades

My current favorite band or song is:: 3 on!3 and the Reliques

My favorite things in my closet are:: my James Avery jewelry

In 10 years I see myself:: maybe being a mommy?

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are::  my boyfriend and my ipod (he's a fan of that "Survivorman" show)

My plans after graduation are:: Oklahoma University in the fall :)

My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is:: dance/catch up on my reality TV shows

I love Urban Photography because (yes, shameless hype):: because every picture is unique!