My name is: Brooke M.
I go to school at: Marcus High School
My graduation date is: June 12th, 2010
Magazines I stop to look at: Vogue, Lucky, Elle, Marie Claire, InStyle
Last thing I ate was: chocolate
My dream job is: to be a well known Interior Designer
My biggest accomplishment: scholarship@The Art Institute
My current favorite singer is: John Mayer
Person I would most like to meet: Rachel Zoe, Karl Lagerfield
In 10 years I see myself: running my own interior design business and it being big!
If I was on a deserted island the 2 things I would want to take with me are: good sunscreen and drinking water!

Plans after graduation are: to attend University of Arkansas
My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is: hang out with friends, workout, watch movies and play with my new puppy
Favorite things in my closet are: all my clothes :)
I love Urban Photography because: awesome pictures!
I love Urban Photography because: awesome pictures!