

blah, blah, blah...


Celebrity Snapshot {Robert Duvall} | Urban Photography

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph a movie legend... Robert Duvall.  The Nasher Sculpture Center periodically has celebrity salons known as the Nasher Salon Series.  Nasher has arranged to occasionally share the salon with my daughter's HS... 
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.  He was interviewed by a student along with the head of the theatre cluster, Karon Cogdill.

Being the school historian, I happily fulfilled my duties by photographing the event.  Ok, more than happily.  I was glued to the side of stage and didn't move the entire time.  I kept thinking silly things like.. "my camera is sitting on the stage... Robert Duvall's feet are on this stage a 5 mere feet from me... my camera is in my hands and his feet are on his legs... we are ONE!!!!!"  Well, not really.. but there was an intimacy about it.  :)  Anyway, onto the pics!

   with his wife.. Luciana Pedraza.  What a great couple.

This was such an awesome opportunity!



Hope everyone had a terrific holiday! 

Mine was wonderful... Christmas was great..  one of my favorite presents was the kitty Litter-Robot is the most amazing invention ever.  really.  when i realized my cat actually used it, i got excited and made everyone in the house come look at the poo in the tray... a whole new meaning to "the cat left you a present".

But my very favorite was a gift from my daughter.  She has always loved writing and has been doing so since about 3rd grade.  So she made several hand made books of her writings.  She printed out poems, songs, scenes and essays she has written over the last several years and put them together in book form.  She gave one to grandparents and aunts and uncles... then recited a couple for us.  It was so cute.  She worked for several days before Christmas putting them all together.  I feel so blessed to have such a good hearted, loving, artistic teenager. I could go on and on.. but i won't.  :)

We had a nice New Years Eve at home with friends, food and show tunes... All That Jazz will never sound the same to me again...hahaha.  
I decided to be resolution free this year.  I don't have the energy to really think it through and I would like to have a year without putting any pressure on myself.  Don't we get enough as it is?

2009 was bittersweet for me with the loss of two grandparents contrasted by a wonderful summer of traveling with my family and the most prosperous business year to date.  2009 was also a year of reflection for me... childhood memories and bonding with my parents and brother.  I am so thankful that I have a WONDERFUL family... ALL of them.  They are all so very caring and nice and fun to be with.  Really just lovely.  I'm lucky... and I know it.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and exciting 2010!

ps>> In case anyone was wondering... business as usual will begin at U.P. starting Jan 5th.  :)