

blah, blah, blah...



I'm sooooo excited!  Urban Photography has found a new home at last!  yea!!  

We just picked up the keys yesterday.  It's been a long search for the PERFECT place since we left our Plano office in Sept.  Then the holiday rush hit us so we had to put it off for awhile...but we now officially have our new studio in Dallas!  

Here's a few details:
  • 1400 sq ft loft studio with original brick walls and warehouse windows
  • located just east of Deep Ellum in Exposition Park
  • a DART station is being built 3 blocks away (sept 2009)
  • it will house an office and production area, consultation room, natural light photo studio, reception area, and a lounge built specifically for HS seniors

me doing my best Grace Adler impersonation. see the dialogue excerpt below from will and grace season 5 episode 22 (i tried to find a vid clip for the full effect..but no luck :) )

JACK'S BF: And I have a friend at Architectural Digest. He wants to do an article on the renovation. I see a picture of you in whatever we renovate doing this: [POSES, HOLDING HIS ARMS OUT, AS IF TO SHOW OFF THE APARTMENT.]
GRACE: [GASPS] I love doing this [GRACE HOLDS OUT HER ARMS]. Especially in pictures!

here's the shoot room...


taking a test shot of Shannon...she's such a good poser!

the big tease.  our view from the windows allows us sight of just the tippy-tops of the dallas skyline.
if only someone would demolish that piece of highway there...perhaps the trolls that live beneath could be persuaded?

our architect (and neighbor) William doing a field survey and taping outlines of where the walls will be built.  

the bathroom.  yep.

me being a that one word or two?

so that's the skinny!  we're going to be building over the next few weeks but hope to be totally "in" by March 1st.  I can't wait.

i {heart} it.  :)

New Years resolution #5.  check.



My name:: Caitlin C.

I go to school at:: Prestonwood Christian Academy

My graduation date is:: May 2009

My nickname is:: Cait

My favorite Web site is:: Facebook

The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are:: Glamour, Shape and Vogue

The last thing I ate was:: apples

 My dream job is:: a broadcaster

My biggest accomplishment is:: making the Powerhouse hip hop team

My current favorite band or song is:: Chris Brown

My favorite things in my closet are:: Bebe jeans and high heel shoes!

In 10 years I see myself:: living on the beach!

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are:: my phone and DIET DR. PEPPER

My favorite thing to do when I’m not at school is:: Dance!

My favorite word is:: legit

I love Urban Photography because (yes, shameless hype):: they’re AMAZING!


On to 2009!

So after sharing my highlights from 2008, I want to share some resolutions and goals for 2009. I'm hoping by publicly sharing them I will feel more accountable to make sure they happen.  We'll see about that.  

They're kinda all mish-moshed together, but here goes... 

1.) I know it's super cliche' but living healthier is definitely on the list.  I found a new gym that I LOVE, is very close to home and I'm actually excited to go.  I have never been excited about going to the gym...and loathe the beautiful fit people that live there.  Ok well, I secretly always wanted to be one of them.  Soooo I'm giving it a enthusiastic go.

2.) Another characteristic that makes me want to snap people's heads off and shove it under my pillow...  Morning people.  I detest them and the self-righteous attitude they carry about it.  Yet, again, I would give anything to be one of them.  I am just naturally a night-owl.  I have the most energy starting around 3pm and it carries me through until well past midnight.  Why, it is 12:13am now.  So after tons of research (and the discovery that it is 50% genetic so who knows?) I'm striving to change it using a variety of suggested techniques...and keeping my fingers crossed...

3.) Getting more involved in my community.  

4.) Getting out more.  My social life is a bore!

5.) Acquiring a new studio space in Dallas.  This is a big one and will take even more effort than going to the gym on a regular basis.  But I AM FOCUSED!  

6.) Attending at least one photography workshop/seminar/conference to keep me inspired.

7.) Shoot things/people regularly that I want to, not because I'm getting paid to.  Gotta keep the creativity alive!

8.) Birthing Urban Talent Photography.  I will need the help of my friends in the labor room of this one...

9.) Enter at least 3 photography competitions this year.  I've slacked off in this area for awhile and need to get back in the groove.

10.) Finish unpacking/organizing/painting/decorating my house.

So there.  2009 - here I come.  I think I'm ready. 

The only other thing I can think to add...I want to discover a new cheese to love.  :)


I'm Back!

I know I'm horrible.  A bad, bad blogger.  I left and didn't say goodbye, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year,  see ya...nothing. 

Well, just prior to the holiday I had been burning the candle at both ends for weeks, then the flames met in the middle, flared and died out.   I had nothing left.  I made some pretty amateur mistakes in scheduling and order cut-offs...I suppose partly because of the whole economy scare we've had, I didn't want to turn anyone away.  

Anyway, I have had a little break now and am beginning to feel refreshed.  I hope all of you are too.  ;)

I am currently working on editing a few sessions from just before Christmas and getting pre-holiday loose ends tied up.  (if you're a client and need a status update, please email and she'll fill you in.)

In the spirit of new beginnings I thought I'd share some personal highlights of 2008 and soon... resolutions for 2009.

'08 Highlights-
1. Celebrating my 35th birthday in New Orleans with friends.
2. Seeing George Micheal in concert.
3. My daughter (Taylor) getting accepted into the Dallas Arts Magnet HS.
4. Taking a two week summer vacation to NYC with Taylor.
5. Seeing The Little Mermaid on Broadway.
6. Seeing Spring Awakening on Broadway and meeting the cast.
7. Reading the 7th Harry Potter book.
8. Moving from Plano to Dallas.  ;)
9. Buying a new home that I love.
10. Meeting new friends and my awesome new neighbors.
11. Experiencing Urban Photography grow.
12. Shaking hands with Bill Clinton.
13. Central Market's Green Chile Festival.
14. Watching Taylor play the violin at the Meyerson Symphony Center.
15. Seeing the musical The Lion King.
16. The purchase of Rock Band.
17. Experiencing Taylor growing into a ethically beautiful young lady.
18. Adopting the best dog in the whole world...sweet, sweet Roxxy.
19. Seeing Madonna in concert.

and the highlight of the '08 Highlight list.....

20. Discovery of Crack Bars.  Like a drug, but not THE drug (does crack come in bar form? anyone?).  Actually it is the nickname given to the most heavenly dessert that has ever passed over my lips.  The ingredients consist of cream cheese, yellow cake batter, lots of butter and sugar...mmmmmmmmmm.  I don't know the real name and I don't care.  I would like to personally thank Michal Tincup for introducing me to this divinity and for the extra 5 lbs. I needed to keep me warm this winter.  :)

If anyone would like to share their own personal high points of the year, I'd love to hear them!
Happy New Year!