My name is:: Courtney C.
I go to school at:: Faith Christian School
I graduate in:: May 2009
My nickname is:: Court
My favorite websites are:: Facebook
The magazines I always have to stop and look at at the grocery store are:: Vogue and InStyle
The last thing I ate was:: Chicken and mashed potatoes
The last thing I ate was:: Chicken and mashed potatoes
My dream job is:: Graphic designer
My biggest accomplishment is:: 2nd Team All-district in soccer
My biggest accomplishment is:: 2nd Team All-district in soccer
My current favorite band or song is:: The Maine

The person I would most like to meet:: Channing Tatum
My favorite word is:: Chanel
My favorite things in my closet are:: My clothes and purses
In 10 years I see myself:: Being a graphic
designer and married
If I were on a deserted island, the two things I would have to have with me are:: Cell phone and friend
My favorite thing to do when I'm not at school is:: Shop, hang with friends and layout by the pool

I love Urban Photography (yes, shameless hype) because:: of their unique and creative photography

The person I would most like to meet:: Channing Tatum
My favorite word is:: Chanel
My favorite things in my closet are:: My clothes and purses
In 10 years I see myself:: Being a graphic
designer and married
If I were on a deserted island, the two things I would have to have with me are:: Cell phone and friend
I love Urban Photography (yes, shameless hype) because:: of their unique and creative photography